Recent modification and public path orders

View recent modification and public path orders on the rights of way network.

Title of order Objection period ends Objections received Status Date of order confirmation Order notice and plan (PDFs)
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No. 33 (Part) Weston Turville) Cycle Tracks Order 2021 12 May 2021 Yes Confirmed 7 February 2024 WTU Notice PDF, 103 KB

WTU Plan PDF, 978 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public
Footpath No.13 (Part) Cuddington) Public Path Diversion Order 2021
September 2021
Yes Confirmed by Planning Inspectorate - confirmation advertised 8 May 2024 30 October 2023 CUD Notice PDF, 80.5 KB

CUD Plan PDF, 466 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Bridleway No. 43 Parish of Chalfont St Giles and Public Bridleway No. 5 (part) Parish of Chenies) Public Path Diversion Order 2021 17 December 2021 No Awaiting works CGS 43 Notice PDF, 23 KB

CSG 43 Plan PDF, 23 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.44 (Part) Parish of Hambleden) Public Path Diversion Order 2022 8 July 2022 No Awaiting works HAM Notice PDF, 128 KB

HAM Plan PDF, 455 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.6 (Part) Parish of Steeple Claydon) Public Path Stopping Up
Order 2022
5 August
No Confirmed - awaiting works 17 August
SCL Notice PDF, 434 KB

SCL Plan PDF, 577 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.14 (Part) Parish of Chalfont St Peter) Public Path Diversion Order
September 2022
Yes Public hearing - 25 June 2024 CSP Hearing PDF, 37.4 KB

CSP Notice PDF, 433 KB

CSP Plan PDF, 514 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.2 (Part) Worminghall) Public Path Diversion Order
19 October
Yes Order to be submitted to PINS for determination WOR Notice PDF, 128 KB

WOR Plan PDF, 710 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.16 (Part) Parish of Stoke Mandeville) Public Path Diversion Order
18 January
No Confirmed - awaiting works 22 February
SMA Notice PDF, 501 KB

SMA Plan PDF, 722 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath from Pinewood Road to Public Footpath No. 93) in High Wycombe, Definitive Map Modification Order 2023 23 June 2023 Yes Order to be submitted to PINS for determination HWU Notice PDF, 83KB

HWU Plan PDF, 770KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.5 (Part) Parish of Radnage) Public Path Diversion Order 2023 23 June 2023 Yes - withdrawn Order to be confirmed RDN Notice PDF, 516KB

RDN Plan PDF, 674KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpaths from Cromwell Gardens to Liston Court and New Court (off Liston Road), Marlow) Definitive Map Modification Order 2023 28 July 2023 Yes Objections under consideration WDI Notice PDF, 430 KB

WDI Plan PDF, 6.8 MB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath between Public Footpath No.81 and North Mill Lane, Parish of Bledlow-cum-Saunderton) Definitive Map Modification Order 2023 11 August 2023 Yes Order to be submitted to PINS for determination WDR Notice PDF, 427 KB

WDR Plan PDF, 612 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No. 5, Parish Broughton Hamlet) Public Path Diversion Order 2023 13 September 2023 No Confirmed 4 October 2023 BRH 5 Notice PDF, 18 KB

BRH 5 Plan PDF, 616 KB
Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.47, Whitchurch) Public Path
Diversion Order 2023
September 2023
Yes Order to be submitted to PINS for determination WHI Notice PDF, 82 KB

WHI Plan PDF, 5.8 MB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.11 Westbury Public
Path Diversion Order 2023
20 September 2023 No Awaiting works WBB Notice PDF, 500 KB

WBB Plan PDF, 5.4 MB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.6 Parish of Akeley Public
Path Diversion Order 2023
22 November 2023 Yes Objection under consideration AKE 6 Notice DOCX, 1.46 MB

AKE 6 Plan PDF, 701 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.7A Parish of
Waddesdon) Public Path Diversion Order 2023
20 December 2023 Yes Objection under consideration WAD7A Notice PDF, 109 KB

WAD7A Plan PDF, 711KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.7) Public Path
Diversion Order 2023
27 December 2023 No Confirmed 7 February 2024 WAD 7 Notice PDF, 108 KB
WAD 7 Plan PDF, 403 KB
The Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.74 (Part) Parish of
Chepping Wycombe) Public Path Diversion Order, 2024
10 May 2024 Objection Period CWY 74 Notice PDF, 111 KB

CWY 74 Plan PDF, 516 KB
Buckinghamshire Council (Public Footpath No.5 (Part) Parish of Radnage)
Public Path Diversion Order, 2023
23 June
No Confirmed 24
April 2024
RDN Notice PDF, 433 KB

RDN Plan PDF, 716 KB

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