Project update: November 2023
We've prioritised securing funding for the next stage of the project and our business case has been approved by the Environment Agency.
We have also been progressing with the detailed design for the scheme, and we have been undertaking a range of surveys to help us improve our understanding of the scheme area.
These surveys include carrying out utility surveys in the project area and undertaking an ecological walkover survey. There are also ground investigation surveys planned in the near future.
Flood risk assessment (FRA)
To inform the FRA, we have also recently conducted topographical surveys for the River Thames towards Bourne End. The FRA will help us to understand the downstream flood risk and any potential impacts of the scheme.
Fieldhouse Lane
Buckinghamshire Highways are continuing to monitor the situation and their advice is to respond using the Bucks emergency number:
inside working hours: 01296 382416
outside working hours: 01296 486630
Call the National Flood Forum (01296 403055) for help with:
setting up flood groups
advice on individual Property Flood Resilience measures
Tree removal and re-planting
Through the detailed design we are working to ensure that as few trees as possible are affected by the scheme. The design development work also includes assessing the extent and location of possible screening and re-planting of trees.
Where there’s a requirement to re-plant, Jacobs will adhere to our tree planting requirements and where possible will minimise tree removal.
We will have more information on re-planting, screening and impacted trees in our planning application once we have finished the detailed design works. These are due to be submitted in the first half of 2024.
Maintenance arrangements
We’re concerned around the maintenance of the culvert and proposed open channel on the land which is not registered. Currently, there are no funds for the maintenance of this however we’re discussing this internally.
For the parts which are under the responsibility of the individual owners (on the banks), the current assumption is that it would continue to be their responsibility to maintain the culvert and proposed open ditch.
We will have a clearer understanding of the situation as the project develops.
View more about Riparian landowners responsibilities for maintenance of Ordinary Watercourses.
Construction works
At this current stage, we are developing the detailed design of the project. This means we are not in a position to know the details of the construction arrangements.
We are due to submit our planning application in the first half of 2024 and following this we will have more information available on the construction of the project.
If the planning application is successful, it is intended that construction will start in 2025.
We will contact everyone affected to give sufficient notice.
Downstream flood risk
We are still investigating the downstream flood risk and are undertaking extensive surveys and extra modelling to develop the FRA.
This includes recent topographic surveys towards Bourne End.
We will be able to provide feedback of our findings to residents when complete, expected early 2024.
The planning requirement is that there is no increase to downstream flood risk because of the project, this extra work is to provide the evidence base to support this.
The FRA will be included in the planning application – which will be publicly available – expected to be submitted first half of 2024.
Project update December 2022
Work undertaken over the last 6 months
The project team have continued to work hard in developing a viable flood alleviation scheme for East Marlow.
Over the last 6 months our work has focused on:
- the completion of the A404 culvert clearance works and survey work of the oil separator, pipes and manholes
- the completion of topographical surveys of extended project area east of the A404
- updates to the hydraulic modelling
- the production of an updated economic appraisal
- the development of outline design drawings
- carrying out of additional environment surveys, including ground-based bat roost assessment, bat activity surveys, badger walkover survey, and a preliminary ecological appraisal
Revisions to the scheme
Due to the current economic climate and the increasing costs of materials and labour, we carried out an updated economic appraisal of the scheme's scope.
The appraisal found that we would not be able to secure sufficient government funding to continue with the original scope.
We've now developed a revised scheme. The cost is significantly lower and gives the project the best opportunity to secure government funding.
The properties that would have benefited from the original scheme will continue to benefit from a reduction in flood risk under the revised scheme, as flood volume levels will be reduced across the area.
Flooding to Fieldhouse Lane and surrounding area
Following previous incidents of flooding in and around Fieldhouse Lane, the operations team have supported the local community impacted by the flooding. The team have helped clear out the soakaways in the area and reviewing opportunities for additional improvements, including installing a new soakaway close to Fieldhouse Lane.
In March 2023 we asked all those who had been impacted by the recent flooding event to complete a survey so that we could understand what happened and how residents were affected, to help us finalise our plans to reduce flood risk in the area. We received responses from various residents and will consider this feedback when developing the scheme.
Addressing downstream flood risk
We’ve been working with the Environment Agency (EA) to assess the flood risk of flows from the Newt Ditch moving east beyond the A404, downstream of the immediate project works area.
It was agreed with the EA to carry out a detailed flood risk modelling assessment to improve our understanding of how the water moves from the east of the A404 to the River Thames. Topographical surveys over 3km, stretching to the River Thames at Bourne End were carried out to inform the modelling work. This model outputs indicated that the downstream impact of the proposed scheme downstream of the A404 would be negligible.