Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
Our climate is changing and flood risk from rivers, surface water, groundwater and sewers is being impacted. Flooding can adversely impact human and environmental health, the economy and built environment. Buckinghamshire Council has a role as Lead Local Flood Authority and Highways Authority to manage local flood risk in partnership with external partners such as Environment Agency, water companies and local communities.
Together, the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and associated Action Plan sets out the direction and objectives which Buckinghamshire Council and partners will follow. This should ensure that Buckinghamshire is more resilient to changes in climate and subsequent flood risk, has improved readiness to for tomorrow's challenges and takes an innovative approach in adapting to the changing climate.
These objectives encompass and build on the principles of our previous Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and reflect the changes in national strategy by focussing on themes of partnership, resilience, and innovation. The strategy helps to deliver against key priorities in Buckinghamshire Council’s Corporate Plan.
The action plan associated with the strategy will continue and develop the ongoing good work of:
- raising awareness of risks of all sources of flooding with and through working with partners, communities, and residents;
- delivering projects to help communities manage flood risk and improve the natural and built environment;
- working with the Local Planning Authority to ensure that new development does not exacerbate flood risk and is resilient to climate change
We look forward to continuing to work with partners so that together we can tackle the challenges of climate change and flood risk and ensure a sustainable future for Buckinghamshire.
Jilly Jordan
Deputy Cabinet member Climate Change and Environment
Download a PDF version of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Post-Adoption Statement.