Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Action plan
Our action plan
Alongside this Strategy, we have developed an action plan with measures which align with:
- Our objectives and local priorities
- The Thames Flood Risk Management Plan
- The National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy
- The Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation programme
- Recommendations from our flood investigations
- Other environmental strategies and action plans
The measures have been prepared to be appropriate to Buckinghamshire and proportionate to the impacts and consequences of flood risk.
In preparing the action plan we have considered how we can work with others to maximise the outcomes (flood risk or other benefits) that can be achieved. We have collaborated with other Risk Management Authorities to ensure it aligns with their priorities, and assigned responsibilities for each measure.
See a summary of our action plan
The action plan is a living document which will be used to implement the measures. The plan will be adapted and updated on an annual basis over the six years of the strategy. Measures have been prioritised by considering the timescales, costs and benefits, and where potential funding/investment could be obtained.
View our flood risk management strategy action plan XLSX, 38KB.
Monitoring and review
Monitoring of progress on the action plan will be reported and scrutinised on a six monthly basis through the Buckinghamshire Strategic Flood Management Group's regular meetings. The action plan will be updated each time.
An annual review of the action plan will be carried out to highlight any issues which may affect the ability to deliver the objectives set out in the strategy. If major changes are required (for example as a result of changes to government priorities, funding arrangements or a major flood event) then this will be approved by the Buckinghamshire Strategic Flood Management Group.
The strategy will be updated in 2029, on a six-year cycle, to ensure that objectives, actions and policies are appropriate and remain compatible and achievable.