Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Our objectives
We have developed five overarching objectives which set the framework for the Strategy. These encompass and build on the principles of our previous strategy, and also reflect the changes in national strategy, local strategies and policies and wider social and environmental factors in Buckinghamshire.
Our objectives are:
- Develop and promote better understanding of flood risk from all sources, now and in the future
- Work in partnership to build the resilience of our communities to flood risk and climate change
- Support the development of places that are more climate resilient.
- Manage flood risk through our capital programme, using sustainable techniques, nature-based solutions and adaptive pathways in delivering our flood risk management activities, projects, and schemes.
- Improve innovation, skills and resourcing in flood risk management
Each objective forms a section of the Strategy. Sections outline our current work and our plans for meeting each of these objectives.
Throughout all of our objectives run the themes of
- Partnership
- Innovation
- Climate resilience