Infiltration rate testing must be carried out in accordance with Building Research Establishment Digest 365 Soakaway Design (2016) standards, in the location and to the effective depth of the proposed component, with test pits draining beyond the 25% effective depth.
A minimum infiltration rate of 1x10-6 m/s must be achieved.
If groundwater level monitoring is required, groundwater monitoring must be undertaken during the winter months (from November until April).
The base of the soakaway must be at least 1m above the groundwater level to protect the functionality of the infiltration process.
Shallow soakaways must be located a minimum of 5m away from any building foundation, retaining structure, highway or site boundary.
Half-drain time of the soakaway must be within 24 hours for the 1 in 30 year rainfall event.
Half-drain time for the 1 in 100 year storm event.
A separation distance of 10m between individual soakaways, if separation distance cannot be achieved calculations must account for reduction is capacity.
Maximum impermeable area of 1000m2 served by individual soakaway.
Soakaways must not be constructed in contaminated ground.