Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): guidance for developers
The local context
Buckinghamshire is divided into two separate river basins, with the watershed running approximately west to east across Aylesbury Vale as shown on Figure 1.
The northern part of the Vale falls within the River Great Ouse catchment, whilst the remainder of the county is in the River Thame catchment. Due to this, the county is served by two water & sewerage companies, Anglian Water in the northern part of Aylesbury Vale and Thames Water serving the rest of the county.
In addition, some Ordinary Watercourses within the northern part of the Aylesbury Vale fall within the Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board (IDB). The Local Planning Authority may consult the IDB on planning applications that fall within their area. Find out more about Internal Drainage Boards.

Figure 1: River catchments in Buckinghamshire
Types of watercourses
Throughout the county there are different types of watercourse; Main Rivers, Ordinary Watercourses and IDB Watercourses, each type of watercourse is the responsibility of a different Risk Management Authority (RMA).
Watercourses designated as main rivers are the responsibility of the Environment Agency, they tend to be larger watercourses and examples within Buckinghamshire are the:
- Thames
- Misbourne
- Great Ouse
Ordinary watercourses are all rivers, streams and ditches that are not classed as a Main River.
The LLFA are responsible for coordinating the mitigation of flood risk from ordinary watercourses.
Ordinary watercourses can also be classed as IDB watercourses if they fall within an IDB district.
Some watercourses in the north of the county fall under the Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board who are responsible for maintaining these watercourses. Applicants wishing to make a connection or carry out any works such as diverting or culverting the watercourses within the IDB’s remit will need to obtain permission from the IDB.