Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): guidance for developers
What to provide for an application for approval of reserved matters
Approval for reserved matters
After approval of outline planning consent, reserved matters must be submitted prior to the commencement of development. This deals with the outstanding details which were omitted from the outline planning application.
As part of the application for approval of reserved matters, you will need to provide a surface water drainage strategy.
The list is not exhaustive, the Lead Local Flood Authority may request additional information depending on site-specific conditions.
Surface water drainage strategy
You will need to demonstrate that you have complied with the surface water drainage scheme that was approved when you applied for outline planning consent.
You can do this by providing:
a. Drainage statement detailing method of surface water disposal and proposed SuDS components. These must be the same as that approved at outline.
b. Drainage layout illustrating the location and storage volumes of SuDS components.