Request a free visit from an Energy Doctor

If you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home you can request a visit from a domestic resource efficiency officer (called an 'Energy Doctor').

Energy Doctors can:

  • advise on ways that eligible households can reduce energy consumption and costs
  • put in place suitable low-cost easy retrofit resource efficiency (LCERRE) measures

LCERRE measures include:

  • draught proofing for windows, doors, letterboxes and chimneys
  • hot water cylinder insulation jackets
  • reflective radiator panels
  • secondary glazing film
  • portable solar generators
  • electricity consumption monitors
  • thermometer cards
  • LED lights


To qualify for a free visit your home must meet both of the following criteria:

  • you rent the property through a private rental agreement, or own and live in the property
  • you live in a domestic property with an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of D,E,F or G or if the property doesn't legally require an EPC

You must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • you're the only occupier of the property with an income of £36,000 or less before tax
  • there are 2 or more occupiers with a household income of £41,000 or less before tax
  • you're a household with dependant children and a household income of £50,000 or less before tax
  • you are in receipt of means tested benefits such as Universal Credit and Council Tax Support
  • a member of your household is disabled

We will prioritise visits for those who meet these eligibility criteria and live in Opportunity Bucks areas.

Request a visit

To request a visit, contact Better Housing Better Health by:


This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Just under £2 million has been allocated to support the scheme until the end of March 2025.