Buckinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board

Strategies, plans and assessments

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Our Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy explains what we've agreed to do to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and reduce health inequalities.

It's guided by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), which provides information on topics under each of the priority areas.

Actions plans on a page

An easy-read overview of our Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy to help you understand what we're going to do and how you'll know it's working. Includes example of what we're already doing to improve the health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities in Buckinghamshire.

View our action plan priorities on a page (PDF, 624 KB).

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Dashboard

The Health and Wellbeing Dashboard is a tool that helps the Board, partners and residents to monitor the impact and outcomes of the Buckinghamshire Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The dashboard displays key indicators related to the four strategic priorities and will be updated quarterly.

The dashboard provides context and analysis of the data, highlighting trends, targets, benchmarks, and what the data means. The dashboard will be used by the Board to monitor progress of the strategy.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of Buckinghamshire’s residents to inform the planning and buying of health, wellbeing and social care services.

Buckinghamshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) looks at pharmacy services and the current and future need for them in the area. It's also one of the pieces of evidence that the NHS uses when deciding where to site new pharmacies.

The Health and Wellbeing Board has a responsibility to publish a PNA every 3 years.

Better Care Fund

The Better Care Fund helps local authorities and integrated care boards work more closely by pooling budgets, helping achieve better outcomes for our residents.

Our Health and Wellbeing Board is responsible for signing off Better Care Fund Plans.