I have been diagnosed with dementia
Support from charitable organisation
This service assesses clients in person and creates a detailed care plan to make sure that the environment and care is suitable for their needs.
The Bucks Safe Haven service is operating in Buckinghamshire from 6pm to midnight, in the following locations. The contact details are:
High Wycombe (7 nights a week):
260 Desborough Road,
High Wycombe,
HP11 2QR
Telephone: 01494 218098
Aylesbury (7 nights a week):
Peach Tree House,
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust,
Bierton Road,
Sapphire Way,
HP20 1EG
Telephone: 01296 453017
For more information visit the Safe Haven Dementia Centre website.
Dementia Café provides a safe and supportive place for clients to discuss their dementia diagnosis and get support from health professionals, also meeting people in similar situation.
Telephone: 0118 9596482
Email: [email protected]
The Hairoun Older Adult Day Centre is a friendly service that welcomes older adults from the local community helping to safeguard from isolation and supporting good health.
Contact details are:
Lady Verney Close
Benjamin Road
High Wycombe
HP13 6TB
Telephone: 01494 465810
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hairouncentre.co.uk
Age UK and it's partner charity The Silver Line offer free telephone friendship services so you can enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, all from the comfort of your own home.
Whether you’d like to speak to someone every week, or just want to talk when the need strikes, they are here to help.
For more information please visit the Befriending services website.
You can also access information guides and fact sheets from the website.
The society is available for anyone who is worried about their memory or affected by dementia.
Memory Support Workers are experienced, trained Alzheimer’s Society Advisors who can give information, practical advice, tips and strategies as well as signposting to legal and financial support, based on your personal circumstances and support needs.
For more information visit the Dementia Support Service Bucks web page.
P3 offers variety of services all across the UK, that aim to give everyone the chance to be part of the community they live in and feel connected to society. They help with housing, documentation and applying for welfare benefits.
For more information please visit the P3 Changing lives every day website.
A charity organisation that offers support to carers who are supporting people living with dementia. They arrange various activities in different localities and also organise informative events to support the carers in their role.
For more information please visit the Carer Information and Support Groups website.
Admiral Nurses help people living with dementia stay independent for longer and support the people caring for them so that they will have the strength to cope with the bad days, and the energy to enjoy the good days.
As dementia specialists, Admiral Nurses help families manage complex needs, considering the person living with dementia and the people around them.
When people are struggling, our nurses help them take back control. When friends and family are worried about a loved one, they give them the confidence to manage their future with dementia.
Admiral Nurses run Dementia Helpline and Clinic appointments.
To find out more from the Dementia UK website.
Dementia Action Marlow aims to:
- provide support and facilitate social interaction by making regular contact and arranging small café gatherings
- improve the information available for people living with dementia and their carers
- provide support and enable friendships between those in similar situations
The Dementia Action Marlow website contains useful information and guides to download whether you are living in the Marlow area or not.
BOPAG is a voluntary organisation who have Positive Ageing as their core message.
They provide information which helps older people lead healthy, active and independent lives.
To find out more information visit the BOPAG website.
For those living with dementia, MedicAlert is able to offer the first year of membership for free. This is kindly sponsored by The McLay Dementia Trust, with MedicAlert match funding the programme.
This sponsorship supports those living with all types of dementia, including Alzheimer's in accessing the MedicAlert Safe and Found programme. Launched in partnership with Thames Valley Police, Safe and Found helps those at risk of wandering and being reported missing, and is included in MedicAlert membership. Members can now store their Herbert Protocol, holding vital details to support police searches, within their digital medical record.
To find out how to join, visit the MedicAlert website.
Have some fun at the Monday Club Café.
Spend time with friends, enjoy games and crafts and maybe sing or dance to the live music. Or just enjoy a coffee and a piece of cake. The choice is yours!
The Princes Centre is a place to gain information and support to help people live independent and safe enjoyable lives.
The Princes Centre Risborough:
Risborough Day Centre,
Clifford Road,
Princes Risborough,
HP27 0DP
Telephone: 01844 345105
The Princes Centre Bourne End:
Wakeman Rd,
Bourne End,
SL8 55X
Telephone: 01628 527024
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