I have been diagnosed with dementia
Support from the council's Adult Social Care team
The Adult Social Care (ASC) team, work with people who are living with dementia and with early onset to mild/severe cognitive impairment.
Some patients live on their own and some with their families/carers. ASC is able to support people with dementia in line with the Care Act 2014 and the statutory requirement to offer a section 9 and section 10 assessment to the person living with dementia and their carers respectively.
The individual’s support network is considered during the assessment to ensure all the needs of the person are met.
After making an assessment, you may eligible for formal social care services.
ASC will review your needs every year or more often if there has been a significant change.
Making a referral
Like other referral to ASC, people with dementia are referred to the service through:
- other professionals such as GP’s, District Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Police, Fire Services, Housing & SCAS
- some referrals are received from members of the family, member of the public, neighbours or self-referrals
- referrals can be done online or by emailing [email protected]
ASC is able to offer a range of support to people with dementia and/or carers. This includes:
- regular respite for carers which can include sitting services at home, day opportunities for people with dementia and short-term respite in a care home
- personal Assistant (PA) support for people with dementia, such as through an outreach service
ASC links with a range of other professionals to make sure you receive the support you need. These may include:
- for adaptations to your property to help you live as independently as possible
- GP referrals - either for a medication review or for Memory Clinic assessments including for diagnosis or review
- partnership working with or referral to Older Adults Mental Health Team where appropriate
- referral to NRS, our technology specialist organisation, to help your independence, security and support in the least restrictive manner. Telecare equipment may include pendant alarms, memo minder, GPS tracker & door sensors
- working with the Finance Deputy Team or Owl Guardian Services to support with financial management
- Bucks Community Learning Disability Health Team (CLDHT) for clients with learning disability and Dementia
- language Interpreter Service or Advocacy Services where appropriate to ensure effective communication