Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023: Mental health matters

13. Glossary
Digital Inclusion: includes people being having the skills able to use digital devices, the right infrastructure to connect to the internet and accessible services, including those dependent on assistive technology to access digital services.
Mental Health Disorder: WHO use mental health disorder interchangeably with condition - their definition is “A mental disorder is characterised by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour.”[ii] In the context of the national NHS survey quoted, it can refer to a mental health condition in the domains of: emotional, behaviour and hyperactivity disorders.
Neurodiversity: Neurodiversity describes differences in the way people’s brains work. There is a wide range of ways that people perceive and respond to the world. For example, autistic people are neurodiverse.
Small Area Index of Mental Health (SAMHI): The Small Area Mental Health Index (SAMH) is a composite annual measure of population mental health for each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) in England. The SAMHI combines data on mental health from multiple sources into a single index. These sources are NHS mental health related hospital attendances, prescribing of antidepressants, QOF depression data and Incapacity benefit and Employment support allowance for mental illness from the Department of Work and Pensions.