Director of Public Health Annual Report 2018: Healthy places

healthy places

Appendix : Community Appraisal Tool

The Place Standard is a way of assessing places. Whether the place is well-established, undergoing change, or is still being planned. The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework and allows you to think about the physical elements of a place as well as the social aspects.

The Place Standard is a tool that is used to assess the quality of a place. The tool pinpoints the assets of a place, as well as areas where a place could improve, helping to identify priorities for a particular place.

The tool is simple and free to use. It consists of 14 questions which cover both the physical and social elements of a place:

  1. Can I easily walk and cycle around using good- quality routes?
  2. Does public transport meet my needs?
  3. Do traffic and parking arrangements allow people to move around safely and meet the community’s needs?
  4. Do buildings, streets and public spaces create an attractive place that is easy to get around?
  5. Can I regularly experience good-quality natural space?
  6. Can I access a range of spaces with opportunities for play and recreation?
  7. Do facilities and amenities meet my needs?
  8. Is there an active local economy and the opportunity to access good-quality work?
  9. Do the homes in my area support the needs of the community?
  10. Is there a range of spaces and opportunities to meet people?
  11. Does this place have a positive identity and do I feel I belong?
  12. Do I feel safe here?
  13. Are buildings and spaces well cared for?
  14. Do I feel able to take part in decisions and help change things for the better?

Figure 2 - Example of an assessment of a community using the Place Standard.