Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: Data Profile Protected Characteristics
According to the latest Census in 2021, four in five residents in Buckinghamshire were White (79.9%) which is similar to the England average (81%).
In the latest Buckinghamshire School Census (2024) two in three pupils attending schools in Buckinghamshire (and living in the county) were White British (64.5%).
Possible reasons for this difference is a different profile for the younger populations compared to the population as a whole.

Ethnicity compared to England and South East (Census 2021)
Ethnicity of school children living in Buckinghamshire - School census January 2022
Ethnicity | Percentage |
White | 64.5 |
Mixed / multiple ethnic groups | 8.6 |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | 21.2 |
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | 3.4 |
Any other ethnic group | 0.9 |
Not obtained | 1.3 |
The maps show ethnic minority groups are not evenly spread across the county and show higher proportions around Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Beaconsfield and Iver Heath.