Social isolation and loneliness guide

Signposting to further information and support
The following list provides some useful resources for you, or for people you may be supporting:
Find activities, groups and services near you.
Buckinghamshire Family Information Service
Information, support, childcare, and things to do for families, children and young people aged from birth to 19 years (up to 25 years with a disability/additional need).
Prevention Matters supports people over the age of 18 to maintain their independence and confidence.
Befriending services with Age UK
Short term support for adults who are lonely or isolated.
Free independent, confidential, impartial advice: Financial, debt, housing, employment, consumer, and immigration.
The community transport hub provides information on community transport across the county, which is vital to connect people to services and social opportunities.
Social prescribing: contact your GP for details
Social prescribing is a way of linking patients with sources of support within the community. It provides a non-medical option to help improve health and wellbeing.
A range of services provided by the public, private, community and voluntary sectors may have the potential to impact social isolation, even if this is not their primary aim.
Projects that are focussed on activities that can be shared, bringing people together naturally in a way that’s appropriate to their needs, can help to prevent or reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Is your organisation providing services that are helping to reduce social isolation and loneliness? Take a look at the ‘Case Studies’ section for more information on a range of interventions you may want to consider, and how to provide information on your existing projects and activities.