Terms and conditions for hire of grass and synthetic sports pitches

Last updated: 1 June 2020

2. Hiring

2.1. Applications for hire should be submitted online. A hiring is not made until full payment has been made to the council.

2.2. Applications will not be accepted from hirers who are in payment arrears with the council, or who are confrontational or abusive towards council staff or any contractor staff employed by the council.

2.3. The fee includes the use of the pitch, changing facilities (where available), and related equipment as provided by the council. Floodlighting of the synthetic pitch is subject to additional charges as listed on the booking system. See section 7, relating to Covid-19 changes.

2.4. All fees will be reviewed each year as part of the council’s annual budget reporting, and details of price changes will be published on the council’s website.

2.5. The council reserves the right to charge for any period of time the pitch is used in addition to the “match period” covered by the hire fee.

2.6. No sub-letting or use by third parties of the sports grounds or synthetic pitch is permitted under any circumstances.