Play strategy for the former Wycombe district area 2017 to 2022

Last updated: 1 January 2017

Strategic objective 1 – investment in facilities

Current provision of fixed play areas

The former Wycombe District Council provides fixed play sites in open spaces and parks. Provision of informal opportunities for play is also considered essential. Across the former district, there are woodlands, recreation grounds and beautiful park settings to play in, some of which provide public toilets, parking and cafes.

The former Wycombe District Council currently has 18 operational play areas, as well as a further 12 teenage facilities which can range from a shelter to a full Multiple Use Games Area (MUGA).

In addition, over 100 further fixed play sites (for both young children and young people (aged 13+) are provided for communities by various organisations including local parish and town councils, the former Bucks County Council and Red Kite housing.

Details of all fixed play sites and teenage facilities are provided in Appendix 1. A detailed description of standard terminology for different types of play provision is provided in Appendix 2.

Play capital programme

Since 2006 and 2007 the former Wycombe District Council has maintained a rolling replacement programme as part of the council’s Fixed Play Strategy to ensure that fixed play equipment is maintained, updated, and refurbished every 15 years. This refurbishment programme has enabled Wycombe to continue to invest in fixed play equipment and ensure that children and young people are able to play on safe, exciting, and well-maintained equipment.

The recent consultation showed that the maintenance and upkeep of fixed play sites is seen as vital by not only parents and carers but also by the children and young people who use the facilities. The provision of litter bins, shelters, fencing and clean and safe equipment are therefore fundamental aspect of provision that must continue to be undertaken.

  1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – Promoting Health Communities (paragraphs 69 to 78) provides the national planning policy framework focusing on social, recreational and cultural facilities which service a community need.
  2. The NPPF stresses the importance of open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation and the need to ensure appropriate provision through up to date and robust assessments in respect of both current and new provision.

Key programmes

Key programmes will include:

  • continue funding for the Fixed Play Strategy including the rolling replacement programme to ensure that fixed play equipment is maintained, updated and refurbished every 15 years
  • consultation with children and young people throughout the strategy to inform refurbishments and new developments to enable the creation of challenging and imaginative play areas with access for all
  • ensuring that adequate open space and play provision is provided/included within any new developments (housing) within the district