Play strategy for the former Wycombe district area 2017 to 2022

Last updated: 1 January 2017

Strategic objective 2 – accessibility

The Sense Review

In 2015, the Sense Public Inquiry was carried out into access for play opportunities for disabled children with multiple needs and a consultation document ‘Making the Case for Play’ published. The Sense Public Inquiry outlined a number of recommendations on both a national and local level. These recommendations cover national and local policies, data recording and provisions, as well as access to play, provision of play services and information.

Information availability

The former Wycombe District Council currently provides information on the location of fixed play equipment alongside suggested age ranges for these sites. However, it is more difficult for people to find out whether particular parks have facilities suitable for children with multiple needs and/or whether additional facilities (such as disabled parking, level access and toilets) are within a reasonable distance of the site. In addition, it is difficult to locate this information on other websites or through searching the internet. Whilst this information may be available via specialist providers and services, the former Wycombe District Council believes that this information should be more easily available and accessible.

As part of the Play Strategy, consultation will be undertaken with relevant focus groups and organisations to identify the key pieces of information that can be relevant to families with children who have multiple needs and how they would prefer to access this information.

A survey will then be undertaken of the former Wycombe District Council owned fixed play sites. The results of the survey will enable a better understanding of current provision and of any future actions that might be required. Key partners and stakeholders will be invited to participate in this process.

The outcome of this consultation is that the findings will be incorporated onto the former Wycombe District Council website to enable families to search for fixed play sites and/or green spaces that will offer a play experience that is most appropriate to their needs. In addition, the new understanding of provision and accessibility across the district, will inform any new refurbishments and/or creation of fixed play sites.

Key programmes

Key programmes will include:

  • consultation with focus groups, specialist providers, other relevant groups, and stakeholders to identify what information would be most useful for families. Survey of the former WDC owned fixed play sites
  • collation of results from survey and consultation. Creation of clear, accessible, and easily understood information regarding accessibility and facilities near green spaces/parks to be made available via the former WDC website and in hard copy
  • survey results used to inform refurbishments and creation of new fixed play sites to improve accessibility and inclusivity of play sites