What a house in multiple occupation (HMO) is

A house in multiple occupation (HMO) is a property occupied by 3 or more people forming 2 or more households. All people who live at the property as their primary residence are counted, including babies and children.

In an HMO facilities like kitchens and bathrooms are normally shared. Bedsits and houses or flats shared by friends or work colleagues are likely to be HMOs.

Standards in HMOs

The council has powers to control living conditions in HMOs covering matters such as:

  • state of repair
  • management standards
  • overcrowding
  • provision of facilities for bathing and cooking
  • means of escape in case of fire

HMO licensing

In some cases, HMOs need to be licensed.

It is our policy to inspect all HMOs which we know about and to ensure that they meet the required standards.