Evidence base for preventing homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
22. Key challenges to be addressed in the new strategy
This evidence base has highlighted some key challenges to be taken forward and addressed in the new strategy. These include:
- The number of people, particularly young people, being asked to leave by family and friends. Many of these have never held a tenancy in their own right
- The number of households with debt and financial challenges affecting their ability to pay their current rent
- The number of households threatened with homelessness when their private sector tenancy is ended
- The number of people threatened with homelessness as a result of a relationship breakdown, many involving domestic abuse
- Encouraging those threatened with homelessness to make early contact with the service in order to resolve the situation and prevent homelessness
- Increasing the proportion of households where homelessness can be prevented either by retaining the existing tenancy or making a planned move
- Virtually eliminating rough sleeping
- Continuing to manage temporary accommodation tightly; minimise the use of B&B type accommodation; and ensure move-on from temporary accommodation at the earliest possible opportunity to affordable, sustainable, settled accommodation
- Ensuring appropriate support is available for vulnerable households, with a particular focus on mental health need