Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022 to 2025

Priority three

Where a household does become homeless, to support them to find appropriate alternative accommodation as quickly as possible.


Action - continue to work proactively with registered partners and agencies to find effective ways to prevent homelessness. To intervene and support clients as early as possible including signposting to independent legal advice and advocacy where appropriate .

  • target / outcome - fewer households becoming homeless
  • year - ongoing


Action - where homelessness cannot be prevented, work proactively to relieve homelessness within the timescales set by law.

  • target / outcome - homelessness relieved wherever possible
  • year - ongoing


Action - ensure an supply of appropriate emergency and temporary accommodation; ensure that those in emergency and temporary accommodation are supported to find a permanent home as quickly as possible

  • target / outcome - able to house those requiring emergency and temporary accommodation while moving people on quickly
  • year - ongoing


Action - minimise the use of bed and breakfast accommodation and other temporary accommodation with shared facilities. Where it is unavoidable, limit its provision to emergency and short term stays only.

  • target / outcome - self-contained emergency and temporary accommodation wherever possible
  • year - ongoing