Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022 to 2025
Priority four
To prevent anyone having to sleep rough
Action - to work to prevent rough sleeping, by pro-active intervention and supporting those most at risk
- target /outcome - virtually eliminate rough sleeping by early learning and quick assessment
- year - ongoing
Action - continue to work with partners: - to sustain and build on the arrangements already in place, from initial outreach through a variety of support services to finding accommodation and preparing people for employment and- to sustain and build on the arrangements for identifying and working with rough sleepers to provide increased, flexible emergency beds and accommodation offer
- target /outcome - virtually eliminate rough sleeping by early learning and quick assessment; assist ex-rough sleepers to obtain appropriate accommodation as quickly as possible with support as required
- year - ongoing
Action - provide an emergency accommodation offer for those at risk of rough sleeping during periods of severe weather including Severe Weather Emergency Protocol
- target /outcome - virtually eliminate rough sleeping by early earning and quick assessment; assist ex-rough sleepers to obtain appropriate accommodation as quickly as possible with support as required
- year - ongoing
Action - Deliver the Housing First initiative to provide supported accommodation for rough sleepers; review after six full months of operation
- target /outcome - clear understanding of costs and benefits and long-term plan for taking forward if agreed
- year 1
Action - provide a variety of support services for rough sleepers, including assistance to find longer term accommodation and prepare individuals for training and employment
- target /outcome - clear understanding of costs and benefits and long-term plan for taking forward if agreed
- year 3
Action - review accommodation options for ex-rough sleepers, including whether additional provision is needed for those with high and complex needs, and whether there is a requirement for additional long-term supported accommodation for this group
- target /outcome - appropriate accommodation for wide range of needs; no-one returns to sleeping rough
- year 3