Apply for hostel or supported accommodation
How to apply
You can apply directly to some hostels and supported accommodation in the area, others only accept referrals from the Housing Team at Buckinghamshire Council.
If you wish to be referred to one of the hostels below or for advice on the level of benefit you are entitled to contact us, or call us on 01296 585 168.
Note that the views and opinions of any organisation that we refer to are not necessarily those of the council.
Slough and Thames Valley Foyer provides mixed needs support specialising in support for those with moderate learning difficulties. Facilities in Slough.
The Foyer Federation
Housing Association homes for ex-service men and women in housing need throughout the UK.
Haig Homes
Suitable for female teenage pregnant women and mothers needing support to move to independent living. Provide 24 hour on call service.
Life Charity
Supported accommodation for those with support needs including mental health/substance misuse issues. Self referral or referral by agencies. Must have a connection with Leighton Buzzard.
Mayday Trust
Next Step provides high-quality housing and support services to 18-25 year olds in Aylesbury Vale who are homeless or in need of housing.
Our High Wycombe hostel is the largest in the region and supports people with a range of needs
Provides direct access emergency accommodation for over 22 year olds in Oxford
- suitable for 16 to 19 year olds who are homeless
- supported 24/7 accommodation in Burnham or High Wycombe for 16 to 19 year olds
- no local connection required. Service charges dependent on income
- suitable for homeless adults aged 18 to 65 years old
- supported housing, resettlement and support for homeless adults with general needs, mental health issues, drug and alcohol dependency
- facilities in High Wycombe
- supported housing to help provide clients with a safe place to start building a better life
- temporary accommodation for service and ex-service families who have separated
- applications through Unit Welfare Officer
- suitable for 16 to 65 year old for Homeless Project and 18 to 34 year old for residential flats
- accommodation for people who are homeless or in housing need
- offer support services