Report a change in circumstances
If you get help from us to pay your rent or help paying your Council Tax, you must tell us if your circumstances change.
The help you get from us could include:
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Reduction
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- discretionary awards
Changes you must tell us about
You must tell us about a:
You must let us know about a change in income for:
- you
- your partner
- any other person living in your home
This may include:
- your earnings going up or down
- getting a benefit you have not claimed before, or changes to your pension or tax credits
- losing a benefit you claim
- changes to the amount of benefits you claim
- getting an occupational or private pension
- changes to the amount you get from an occupational or private pension
- your Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance ends
You must let us know if:
- your savings, or your partner’s savings, go above £6,000
- your savings go above £10,000 if you are a pensioner and are not on Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
You must let us know if:
- you move into a new home
- your rent goes up or down
- there is a change in the sort of tenancy you have
If you get Housing Benefit and move house, but still stay in Buckinghamshire, you must tell us about your change of address within 1 month.
If you do not do this, your Housing Benefit may end and you will have to claim Universal Credit instead.
You must tell us if you, your partner or both of you leave your home for more than 4 weeks.
Tell us before you go, and as soon as you get back.
Report a change
We may ask to see proof of any changes. We accept scanned copies or photographs attached to an email.
Why you must tell us about changes
We need to know about changes in your circumstances so that we can pay you the right amount in benefits.
If we pay you too much in benefits, you will need to give us the money back.
If we owe you money in benefits, we need to know as soon as possible because we may not be able to backdate your payments.
You must tell us within 1 month of any changes or you may lose your benefits.