Renew a library loan
To renew a library book or item, you will need your library card number and PIN.
You will not be able to renew an item if:
- it has been reserved by another customer
- you are an adult who has more than £10 in overdue charges
- the item is more than 60 days overdue
If you have renewed an item online 4 times, you'll need to bring the item into a library to renew it.
You can also renew a loan by:
- going to a library
- calling our automated renewal line on 0303 123 0035
You won’t be able to renew your library loans while traveling to certain locations due to restrictions from our library system provider:
- Belarus
- China
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- North Korea
- Russian Federation
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Tajikistan
- Ukraine