Council partners with local wildlife charities and farmer to establish local Habitat Bank
In a ground-breaking collaboration, Buckinghamshire Council has joined forces with two prominent local wildlife charities, the River Thame Conservation Trust and the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment, alongside a dedicated local farmer, Eddie Rixon of Lopemede Farm, to inaugurate Buckinghamshire's second local Habitat Bank.
This visionary initiative marks a significant milestone in environmental conservation by ensuring the sustained restoration of the Floodplain Wetland Mosaic along the River Thame for the next 32 years. The project encompasses several key components, including the creation of pools and scrapes to retain water on the land. The project will also see the reintroduction of native floodplain meadow plant species, brought to the site via 'green hay' collected from other local floodplain meadows.
To safeguard the area's wildlife, the public footpath traversing the field will be fenced off, preventing disturbance from dog walkers. Furthermore, shelter belts composed of native tree and shrub species will be planted in rows, serving a dual purpose by augmenting local wildlife diversity and protecting Eddie’s cattle from adverse weather conditions. This ambitious project promises to yield substantial benefits for the various bird species in the River Thame catchment, including the thriving population of Barn Swallows at Lopemede Farm.
The project is the second example in Buckinghamshire of land being formally allocated for Biodiversity Net Gain – a process whereby developers offset localised losses of biodiversity resulting from housing, commercial or other developments, by creating biodiverse land at or near the development site.
Biodiversity Net Gain became a legal requirement this year and Lopemede Farm will effectively provide land for Biodiversity Net Gain offsetting in advance of its need through habitat enhancement work of current agricultural land. This means that developers can readily purchase land units from the Lopemede Farm site for Biodiversity Net Gain as and when required. It is anticipated that Biodiversity Net Gain will make an important contribution to nature recovery locally and nationally, whilst also offsetting biodiversity losses associated with individual developments.
"This project is an important step towards nature recovery in Buckinghamshire and towards the government’s ‘30-by-30' biodiversity target. It’s also a great example of an effective partnership between public and charitable bodies and a pioneering local landowner’, says Ben Heaven Taylor from the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment. “We encourage other landowners in the region, including family farmers like Eddie Rixon, to follow suit."
Eddie Rixon, a fourth-generation farmer who has managed Lopemede Farm for the past decade, is at the forefront of this endeavour. Eddie has developed a comprehensive 30-year strategy to make his farm both environmentally sustainable and economically viable. His vision encompasses transitioning the landscape from a monoculture of rye grass to implementing agroforestry and shelter belts that will benefit nature, livestock, and the farm's profitability. Eddie also aspires to enhance the species richness of the grassland and manage the floodplain meadows in an environmentally friendly manner that allows the river to use its natural floodplain. Notably, he has already installed barn owl boxes in partnership with the Bucks Owl and Raptor Group (BORG).
Commenting on the Biodiversity Net Gain project, Eddie Rixon expressed his enthusiasm, saying: "After two years in the making, it's exciting to finally get started on the wetland creation at Lopemede Farm, which is more important than ever as we hope to help contribute significantly to nature recovery and the biodiversity crisis, whilst achieving net-zero goals. It will be fascinating to see the return of winter waders which were common in my father and grandfather's generations, along with supporting a great diversity of invertebrates, reptiles, bats, and barn owls."
Thomas Broom, Buckinghamshire Council's Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, applauded the project, remarking: "This project is an important step towards delivering nature recovery through the Biodiversity Net Gain process. It provides the second legally secured local option for biodiversity units to be purchased by local developers as part of their requirement to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain through the local plan process."
He continued: "We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those involved in setting up this project, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the progress of habitat restoration over the next three decades. Strong, effective, long-term partnerships are essential for nature recovery. We thank all participants for their diligent work in establishing this project and look forward to observing the ongoing habitat restoration."