Council reminds garden waste subscribers of upcoming service suspension

Buckinghamshire Council is reminding subscribers to its garden waste service that collections will soon be suspended for a 6-week period.

This is an annual suspension that comes in during the winter when garden waste is at a minimal.

The last possible collection date for garden waste is Friday 13 December (normal collection days apply) and collections will resume from week commencing Monday 27 January.

Thomas Broom, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said:

“Even though the weather can still seem mild, the suspension dates are planned out well in advance to match the period when garden waste is typically at its lowest. During the suspension period, we train staff and redirect crews to allow for the increased amount of general waste and recycling over the Christmas holidays.

“Residents who need to dispose of garden waste during the suspension period can still do so at any of our 10 Household Recycling Centres free of charge. All sites are open 9am to 4pm.”

To find out which days your local Household Recycling Centre is open and further details of what can and cannot be taken to a centre, visit:

Thomas added: “Garden waste collected from homes across Buckinghamshire or taken to Household Recycling Centres is processed locally into high-quality compost. Residents can buy Community Compost at all of our Household Recycling Centres. All the proceeds from the sales of the Community Compost are set aside for good causes with an annual funding award expected in April 2025.”

For more information on changes to recycling and waste services over the Christmas period, please visit: