EWR Project - Buckinghamshire Council’s contribution on next stages of plans

Buckinghamshire Council has once again provided valuable input helping to identify particular local issues for consideration in the next stages of the plans being drawn up for the East West Rail infrastructure project.

The final connection stage of EWR that will allow rail passengers to travel between Oxford and Cambridge – and through North Buckinghamshire – is being brought forward through a Development Consent Order. The Government will be responsible for making a decision on these proposals.

East West Rail Company, the railway developer, asked the Planning Inspectorate for a formal written opinion on the likely significant effects that should be considered for the last connection stage of the East West Rail Project. The Planning Inspectorate sought the views of Buckinghamshire Council in January 2025, giving it 28 days to respond to its consultation.

The Council submitted to the Planning Inspectorate a response of 52 pages covering a variety of environmental matters including residential amenity, highways and transport, biodiversity and landscape considerations.

The Planning Inspectorate published its Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Opinion in February 2025. Buckinghamshire Council successfully argued for key environmental issues to be addressed by East West Rail Company and in its written opinion the Planning Inspectorate specifically referred to the Council’s comments on bats, trees, heritage and health concerns that should be addressed by the railway developer as it continues to draw up its proposals. East West Rail Company will be required to produce an Environmental Statement that will be submitted to the Government with its application for development consent.

Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, Cllr Martin Tett said: “Together with the feedback and concerns of local members and parishes, our dedication to addressing these critical issues has earned us recognition from the Planning Inspectorate, setting a standard for other councils to follow. We will continue to engage in workshops and forums to ensure the successful implementation of the East West Rail project.”