Hidden camera catches another fly-tipper red-handed

A hidden camera strategically placed in a fly-tipping hotspot in Buckinghamshire, has succeeded in catching another criminal in the act and bringing them to justice.

Mark Peach from Sandy Lane, Leighton Buzzard attended High Wycombe Magistrates Court on 28 September where he pleaded guilty to an offence of illegal dumping.

The court heard that Buckinghamshire Council enforcement officers had placed a hidden camera on Mill Road, Slapton, a notorious fly-tipping hotspot. On 18 April 2022 the covert camera took images of the occupant of a Ford Transit van illegally dumping a fridge with rotting food inside at the roadside.

Enquiries by council officers established that Mr Peach was the driver of the vehicle. When interviewed under caution, he admitted dumping the fridge saying that he had made 'a stupid mistake'.

Peach was fined £553 and ordered to pay £863 towards the prosecution costs. He was also ordered to pay a £55 victim surcharge making a total to pay of £1,471.

Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment said: “The camera doesn’t lie, and in this case, it clearly shows this man blatantly fly-tipping in our county. These cameras are one of several tools used to help us to fight back against criminals who think they can break the law and get away with it. Let this be a warning to all and a reminder; there is no excuse for fly-tipping and we won’t tolerate it in Buckinghamshire.”

To report fly-tipping in Buckinghamshire visit: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/fix-my-street