New Family Hub Network set to provide more help and advice for local residents

Families will soon benefit from easy to access help and advice in their local communities, with the launch this week of Buckinghamshire’s Family Hub Network (FHN).

The FHN brings together professionals and community groups to help families and residents get the help and advice they need at the earliest opportunity.

The FHN covers Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern & South Bucks and Wycombe areas, involving a wide variety of local and county-wide organisations including Buckinghamshire Council, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Oxford Health Foundation NHS Trust, education providers, social enterprises and voluntary, community and faith groups.

The role of the network is to support families visiting network sites where possible or signpost to a relevant organisation when other support is needed. The aim is to direct families to the support that best meets their individual circumstances, using local network connections and knowledge to match needs with the wide range of services and providers available in the area.

Earlier this week, the Hithercroft Family Centre in High Wycombe hosted the official launch of the Family Hub Network, with local families invited to attend a Play and Explore session and find out more about how the network is designed to work.

Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Education, Councillor Anita Cranmer and local ward members were joined by a range of partner agencies including Kooth, One Can Trust, Family Learning and Disraeli School as well as representatives from the Early Help Partnership Board, including Thames Valley Police and FACT Bucks.

Speaking at the event, Anita Cranmer explained: “The aim of today’s launch event has been to let local families know about the way this new network will work. By bringing together all these local groups and organisations under one roof, we are able to provide residents with easy access to services, information, advice and guidance on a variety of topics to help them in their everyday lives.

“This partnership brings professionals and community groups together to help children, young people and families to get access to the help they need to resolve issues early. By working collaboratively in this way, we are also helping to reduce the demand for more costly intervention services down the line, so it is beneficial for everyone.”

Cassim Kaweesa from Kooth said “ I am really excited about the Family Hub Network in Bucks, professionals collaborating in this way enables families to get the support they need, in places they know and trust, making asking for early help feel safe and accessible.”

More information on the Family Hub Network can be found on the Buckinghamshire Family Information Website:

A range of information on matters relating to families and children can be found on the Buckinghamshire Family Information website: