Proud to mark Ukraine Independence Day

Buckinghamshire Council is marking Ukraine Independence Day, (24 August), having welcomed over 1,700 Ukrainian refugees to the county since March 2022 as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Councillor Angela Macpherson, Deputy Leader of Buckinghamshire Council said: “On 24 August the people of Ukraine mark their Independence Day, which will be exactly 18 months since Russia’s invasion, and 32 years since declaring independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.”

“Both the Council and its local communities have been deeply moved by the plight of people in Ukraine. In March 2022, when the British Government launched two national schemes for Ukrainian refugees to come to the UK and outlined the responsibilities for local government, Buckinghamshire Council quickly acted to put in place plans that, with the support of partners, would welcome families to Buckinghamshire and help them to make new lives in the county over the coming months, and years.

I would like to thank the over 1,000 sponsors in Buckinghamshire who have opened their homes to Ukrainian guests. Together with the Council’s swift response means we have welcomed, and will continue to welcome, individuals and families to the county in large numbers. Our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones because of the current conflict.”

In Buckinghamshire, residents can show support for Ukrainians on Ukraine Independence Day in several ways including:

  1. Flying the Ukrainian flag and sharing imagery of that on social media using #StandforFreedom #StandWithUkraine and ‘Ukraine Independence Day’.
  2. Join the unity wave -
  3. Become a rematching sponsor – for details of how to get involved -