Students across Bucks receive their GCSE results

It can be an anxious time, but the wait is finally over for thousands of students across the county, as GCSE exam results are available from schools today (24 August).

Many students will travel into school to pick up their results but other secure options such as by telephone or the school’s parent portal will be available for those who cannot be there in person. Parents and students should check with their school to ensure they know what options are available.

Joseph Baum, Buckinghamshire Council’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services said: “Well done to all those students who have worked hard and got the results they wanted. We know that the effects of the pandemic are still impacting children and young people of all ages, so the achievements of those picking up their results today is testament to their resilience and they should be very proud.”

Joseph added: “We know there may be some students who may not do as well as they hoped or expected but there is plenty of help and support available so make sure you speak to your school or college in the first instance, talk to friends or family, or go online.”

Support includes:

There is also a lot of support for students who may be experiencing stress and anxiety about their results and what the future holds. Options available include:

  • Speak to teachers at school – both in an academic capacity and also as pastoral experts who can help with emotional issues.
  • Some schools have an independent counsellor available with whom students can talk in confidence.
  • Peer support networks –speaking to someone of a similar age can sometimes feel easier than speaking to an adult and can provide reassurance from someone who has recently been through the same experience.
  • Charities – most now offer both online and telephone support. Speaking anonymously can make talking over problems and worries easier.

Joseph added: “Completing your GCSEs is a huge achievement and we wish all our students well for whatever their next steps may be.”