Check for roadworks and closures

Use this service to check for current or ongoing:

  • roadworks
  • road closures

Using the map

Enter a postcode or zoom into an area on the map that you want to view.

The map will default to show you roadworks currently in progress. Planned works will not appear on the map until they've started.

To see roadworks planned for the future, change the selection in the dropdown menu at the top of the map.

Check the map now

Planned road works

You can also see our planned roadworks over the next few weeks. There will be no weekend or bank holiday working unless specified.

This list was last updated on Thursday 27 June.

Some activities are weather dependent and dates are subject to change at short notice.

These dates may also be subject to change depending on the availability of materials and unforeseen circumstances out of our control. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.

Road worker abuse has increased this year – please respect our workforce while they make improvements to Buckinghamshire Highways

If roadwork signs have been left behind

If roadworks have finished but there is some signage that has been left behind at the site, report the location of the signs on FixMyStreet.