Section 278 Agreement (in-depth guidance notes)
For the guidance of developers, the council’s requirements in connection with the modification of the existing highway is set out below.
Conformity with these requirements will enable the council to adopt them under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 as maintainable highways upon satisfactory completion.
These requirements are distinct from those that may be incorporated in the permission to develop, issued under the provision of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
1. General
If the Developer wishes to conduct highway improvement works, they should make an application to the Service Director Planning, Growth & Sustainability (or their representative the 'Proper Officer') requesting the council to enter into an Agreement concerning the construction and adoption of these works. This Agreement is referred to as a 'Section 278 Agreement'.
Planning consent to the proposed development must first be obtained. View our general guidance on layout requirements.
Any highway conditions that may have been incorporated in the conditions of the planning consent must be observed.
All works relating to the construction of any road and highway storm water drainage must be in accordance with the council’s Standard details & Technical Design Information .
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) must be created for any new or upgraded lengths of off carriageway cycleway (segregated or shared use). A deposit of £10,000 must be provided by the developer for the processing of the legal order.
Work shall not commence in the highway until the detailed engineering drawings and specification has been approved by the council, the S278 Agreement is engrossed, all fees have been paid and the appropriate road space booking has been confirmed. Time should be allowed for such approval and for the making of any amendments.
All works on Buckinghamshire highways are subject to the Buckinghamshire Council Permit Scheme 2020 or subsequent amendments.
Where appropriate the permit scheme levies additional charges and potential fines backed by Part 3 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA).
To ensure that the project can be granted road space for the dates necessary under the permit scheme, the application must include the proposed start date and duration. Early starts will no longer be granted so advanced planning will be required, for example any works over 10 days duration will require 3 months’ notice and a provisional start date which must be confirmed as soon as possible.
View further information on the permit scheme, although road space or permits should be booked via our road space booking page.
The works within the highway must be carried out under a contract using the Institution of Civil Engineers' Standard Conditions of Contract and which affords the Service Director Planning, Growth & Sustainability, or their representative the 'Proper Officer', such powers as if he were 'the Engineer for the Works' with certain restrictions. On particularly significant contracts the Agreement may require the Service Director Planning, Growth & Sustainability (or their representative the 'Proper Officer') is named as 'the Engineer for the Works', but without responsibility for measurement and valuation.
All highway works must be inspected by the council in accordance with the 'Developer site pre-start meeting tick sheet' , available upon request to the council’s Highways Development Management Team’
The minimum requirement for the contractors is:
- Each operative & supervisor must currently hold New Roads and Street Works Act accreditation or similar
- Currently holding a minimum of £10 million public liability insurance.
A copy of the NRSWA certificates for all the Supervisors and Operatives that will be employed on the highway element of these works, plus a copy of the insurance certificate showing the public liability will be required. Both above must be current for the duration of the works.
2. Application for a Section 278 adoption agreement
If an Agreement is made between the council and the Developer, the Council will adopt the highway works when all the terms of this Agreement have been fulfilled and complied with, to the satisfaction of the Service Director Planning, Growth & Sustainability (or their representative the 'Proper Officer'.
If the developer wishes to enter into an Agreement they should download and fully complete the Section 278 application form then submit it via email to [email protected], or by letter addressed to:
Highways Development Management
6th Floor, Walton Street Offices
HP20 1UY
The developer should note the following requirements:
- They are agreeable to conduct and fund any tests required by the 'Proper Officer' being undertaken by an agreed UKAS accredited independent laboratory service.
- That they will pay the council the design check, administration and inspection costs incurred by the Service Director Planning, Growth & Sustainability, or their representative the 'Proper Officer', in connection with the construction of the Section 278 works. The charges currently shown on the fees page will be included in the Section 278 Agreement which will be prepared by the council. Where highway structures, streetlighting or traffic systems/signals are constructed in connection with the Section 278 works a supplementary charge as shown on the fees page will be made in addition to the standard charge for carriageways.
- The legal costs of the council in connection with the preparation and completion of the Section 278 Agreement will be payable by the Developer. The costs will be advised by Legal Services once instructions have been issued.
- Should the final surfacing of the footways and carriageways be carried out whilst in use by construction traffic, Buckinghamshire Council reserve the right to instruct the developer to re-lay the surface course prior to the works being placed onto maintenance.
- The developer must supply a bond, or a cash deposit as mentioned in section 5
3. Agreement
The Agreement will include a time limit for the completion of the roadworks. The time limit will be agreed by the council and the Developer before the Agreement is made, and the Agreement itself will add to that time a further period of twelve months to cover the period of maintenance of the road at the Developer’s expense, before its adoption.
If the works are not completed within the agreed time limit, an extension of time may be considered upon written application to the Legal Services Manager. If an extension of time is granted, the Developer may be required to amend the amount of bond or deposited sum along with additional inspection & administration costs.
4. Submission of plans
One paper and one electronic copy of the road works are required showing the layout to a scale of not less than 1:250, together with all of the drawings as set out in our Technical design information document/page. The S278 works plan must show the areas of Highway Land affected by the works coloured in Blue and any areas of private land that are to be dedicated as highway land, coloured in Pink.
The plans will normally be based upon a recent topographical survey and will show the existing road layout together with proposals and may be coloured to identify the specific items of work. When the plans are approved, a copy will be required, together with a copy of the site plan with land in the developer's control outlined in red (as per the planning application plan).
Where the scheme requires streetlighting the plans should also show the agreed position of the streetlights required by the lighting authority. The position of the lights should be shown in Red. Generally, lights are to be sited at the back of the footways. If the lighting is not to be adopted by Buckinghamshire Council, then a letter signed by the local lighting authority confirming the lighting proposals or that no street lighting is required, shall accompany the plans.
5. Bond or cash deposit
The Section 278 Agreement is either to be supported by a Bond, or by way of a deposit of a sum of monies in place of the Bond. The Bond or cash deposit will be required to the value of the full cost of the works including the cost of any alterations to Statutory Undertakers' plant and mains and the developer's agent should make enquiries of the Undertakers at an early stage of the Agreement. The Agreement will not be completed until the requirements of Statutory Undertakers have been established and evaluated. The council will require copies of letters from the Undertakers giving estimates of costs.
If a Bond is the chosen option, then the names and address of the surety (which must be acceptable to the council) need to be included within the application form.
The Agreement provides for the 'Proper Officer' to issue a Certificate (the provisional certificate) from the date of which the works within the highway shall be for ever for open public use. The developer may make application for the Bond sum/cash deposit to be reduced when the provisional certificate is issued.
Any such deposit monies will be duly repaid when the roads are adopted in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. This does not include monies paid in connection with the supervision of the road, technical reviews, administration, and the preparation of the agreement.
6. Fees
The current schedule of fees and commuted sums are below or also available on our fees page:
Legal fees
Time charge to be advised & collected by Legal Services.
The agreement/transportation fees cover:
The agreement fee - technical reviews
All drawing checks & approvals (except structures, streetlighting & Traffic Signals) relating to the improvement works specified in the agreement.
The agreement fee - administration
All administration (but not the council’s legal costs) work associated with the agreement including initial instructions together with the adoption of the works and updating on council databases.
The agreement fee - inspection
Inspections of the improvement works specified in the agreement, throughout the construction period up to and including adoption.
Due to circumstances outside of our control the following fees are no longer incorporated with our overall Agreement fees.
Traffic signals fee - technical reviews
All drawing checks for compliance to national and local design standards relating to the signal layout specified in the agreement. Comments on the proposed control strategy and whether proposal is likely to achieve desired outcome.
Traffic signals fee - administration
All administration work associated with the signal works including commissioning specialist advice together with the adoption of the works.
Traffic signals fee - inspections
Inspections of the implementation of the signal works specified in the agreement (poles, signal heads, cabling, controller), throughout construction and also during the maintenance period along with attendance of the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for the controller and Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for the signals equipment[IS6]
Street lighting fee – technical reviews
Developers will have to pay for all drawing checks for compliance to national and local design standards relating to the specific requirements & layout of the development.
Street lighting fee – administration
All administration and technical support associated with all aspects of the street lighting works, from commencement up to and including the update of the council’s asset management database.
Street lighting fee – inspections
Inspections of the implementation of the street lighting works as specified on the approved drawings, throughout construction period up to and including adoption.
Structures Fees
Developers will need to pay for all drawing checks and approvals relating to the structural elements of the improvement works specified in the agreement, collation of asset management documentation & updating asset management system.
Commuted Sums
Developers will need to pay for the future maintenance of certain highway features prior to adoption as detailed on the fees page, some of which are detailed further down the page.
Additional costs or fees
Any additional costs must be paid by the developer. These can be in relation to but not exclusive of:
- Traffic Regulation Orders for waiting restrictions/movement orders
- Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders
- Wayleave/Easements
- Oversail licences
- Structure licences
- Planting licences
- Land drainage consent
An Emergency Traffic Management Maintenance Contribution as detailed on the fees page must be deposited with us prior to the signing of the Section 278 agreement. This covers any works to re-erect or make safe any traffic management or any other safety related repair, where we have been unable to contact the developer or their subcontractors to make safe the area within 2 hours.
7. Street lighting
Where the Lighting Authority requires it, street lighting is to be provided or improved on existing roads by the developer. The standard of lighting is to be in accordance with the requirements of the lighting authority and it is the responsibility of the developer to ascertain these requirements.
Roads will be generally classified under two main headings, namely urban and rural.
Urban areas are generally in the townships of:
- Aylesbury
- Beaconsfield
- Buckingham
- Chesham
- High Wycombe
- Marlow
All other areas will be considered rural.
In urban areas the lighting authority will be the council.
The council has resolved that in respect of developments where it is the lighting authority, it will not adopt lighting systems installed by the developer unless the developer pays to the council a sum as shown on the fees page in respect of each additional lighting column & illuminated sign erected, being a commuted payment for the future running and maintenance costs of the lighting column and illuminated signs.
The lighting system shall be to the current edition of BS5489 and the developer will be responsible for preparing a design in accordance with the Lighting Brief, Specification and Standard Details for approval by the council.
The developer will be required to provide and erect the complete lighting installation to the council’s approval and also arrange for the supply of electricity and connection to the units along with the application of an approved numbering schedule.
In rural areas the lighting authority will generally be the local Parish Council. A list of contacts for the Parish Councils is obtainable from the council’s website. Some Parish Councils also require the payment of commuted sums in respect of the future energy and maintenance costs of the lighting. As stated, it is the responsibility of the developer to ascertain their requirements prior to commencement of the works.
In cases where the Parish Council does not want to see lighting installed it will be acceptable for a developer not to provide it unless required by council policy, for example in the case where traffic calming measures are installed which are required by legislation to be lit. In such instances the council will take responsibility for the future maintenance of the lighting.
In rural areas it may be necessary for the existing Parish Lighting to be replaced with improved lighting to the council’s requirements and the council will become the Lighting Authority on a designated section of the highway.
8. Drainage
The Highways Authority promotes the use of the drainage hierarchy as set out in the Planning Practice Guidance (Paragraph 080) and the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to manage surface water runoff. The use of SuDS can ease maintenance as water can be conveyed above ground and opportunities for treatment of runoff occur through the SuDS system.
Alternative types of surface water disposal, for example soakaways, permeable paving, carry a maintenance liability that increases with time, as permeability reduces due to silting up of the drainage medium. Borehole assisted soakaways, while offering additional discharge to lower ground strata, also carry an ongoing maintenance liability. These maintenance liabilities place an additional burden on the council and therefore in order to offset these costs the authority will seek a commuted payment. The current ‘standard charge’ is shown on the fees page for each soakaway and site-specific costs for permeable paving are TBC although these sums may be increased depending upon particular site constraints and/or features.
Commuted sums will also be sought in the cases of balancing ponds/tanks, catch-pit chambers and petrol interceptors where these are required to be adopted by the council.
The developer should take note that the permission will need to be obtained to connect roadside gullies to any surface water system or watercourse.
Any works or connections affecting an ordinary watercourse will require Land Drainage Consent from either the council as the Lead Local Flood Authority or the Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board.
- Connections to the wider highways' drainage network will require consent from Highways Development Management for Buckinghamshire Council as the Highway Authority.
- Connections to the sewer network will require consent from the sewerage undertaker.
- Connections to a Main River will require consent from the Environment Agency.
Where your proposed connection does not fall in any of the above categories seek permission from the private landowner.
The developer will be required to show proof of such permission by means of copies of correspondence.
Any gully connections that outfall into a private system will need to be subject to an easement to allow the highways maintenance teams to access the land in emergency situations although the day-to-day maintenance of the pipework & outfall will remain the responsibility of the landowner.
9. Structures
We will seek commuted sums in respect of future maintenance of any bridge, retaining wall or other structure that is to be adopted. Such sums will be calculated on an individual basis, based upon the Adept Commuted Sum Calculator. It is the designer’s responsibility to complete the Adept Commuted Sum Calculator in collaboration with Buckingham Councils Structure Team. The developer will need to pay for the time spent by Buckingham Councils Structure Team on this collaboration.
10. Trees
The Council will seek commuted sums in respect of future maintenance of any tree that is to be planted within highway limits, this sum can be found on the fees page. Any highway trees that the developer wishes to remove must be agreed in advance with Highways DM and a fee that can be found can be found on the fees page, per tree must be paid.
Proof must be supplied that no trees that are subject to a TPO are to be removed without the TPO being revoked.
No trees or hedging to be removed during the nesting season without proof that mitigation measures have been applied.
11. Maintenance
The Agreement provides for the 'Proper Officer' to issue a Provisional Certificate from the date of which the works within the highway shall be open for ever for public use. The developer may make application for the Bond sum/cash deposit to be reduced by up to 75% when the Provisional Certificate is issued.
The maintenance period is normally at least twelve months, and the Bond/cash deposit will remain in force until the works satisfactorily complete the maintenance period and the Final Certificate is issued.
The developer should ensure that inspections are carried out at the relevant times and requests via email must be made for certificates.
For any Traffic Signals or Streetlighting/Lit Signs installation Buckinghamshire Council will take on energy cost costs from the date installation, once the developer has arranged & informed us of the supply asset information change.
12. Traffic signals
Items covered by First Line Maintenance
Following a successful commissioning of new traffic signals Buckinghamshire Council will take the site on for first line maintenance and attend faults listed below:
- Damage from RTCs
- Controller & aspect faults
- Push button faults
- Detector faults.
- Periodic Inspection
- Signal Head alignment as a result of vehicle impact.
- Faults relating to the communications between the site and the in-station.
Items not covered by first line maintenance until site Adopted.
- Responsibility remains with the Developer for resolving snagging issues found at SAT or issues that arise from any safety audits that take place between the commissioning and full adoption of the site including any Configuration changes to resolve safety or operational issues.
- Any faults attended that are due to poor installation will remain the responsibility of the Signal Contractor or Developer to repair or replace, the same with any faulty equipment covered under a warranty period until the warranty period has expired.
- If significant changes or repairs are required a site visit may be required by the ITS Team with the Developer and Signal Contractor to confirm that these changes are completed to an acceptable standard.
- Any loop faults that are as a result of the road failing within the guarantee period of the road surface will be the Developer’s responsibility to repair
Streetlighting/Lit Signs
Items covered by First Line Reactive Maintenance
Once the entire scheme including the streetlighting/lit signs have been place onto maintenance & asset information provided, Buckinghamshire Council will take the site on for first line maintenance and attend faults listed below:
- Damage from RTCs
- Faulty lamps
- General defects
- Periodic Inspection
Items not covered by first line maintenance until site Adopted.
- Responsibility remains with the Developer for resolving snagging issues or issues that arise from any safety audits that take place between the commissioning and full adoption of the site including any Configuration changes to resolve safety or operational issues.
- Any faults attended that are due to poor installation will remain the responsibility of the Developer to repair or replace, the same with any faulty equipment covered under a warranty period until the warranty period has expired.
[IS7] Prior to adoption, the developer will be required to provide precise numbers and details of all adoptable assets shown on as-built drawings as per section 12b below.
13. Adoption
Developer to supply as appropriate the following documents:
- Drainage vesting certificates
- Wayleaves/easements
- Oversail licences
- Planting licences
- Structures licences
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Proof that fees have been paid
- Proof that Commuted sums have been paid
- Streetlighting electrical test/safety certificates
- Buckinghamshire Highways Lighting acceptance certificate
- Proof of Parish council lighting acceptance.
- Buckinghamshire Highways Traffic Signal acceptance
- H&S file
As built plans to be coloured:
- carriageway blacktop – Burnt Umber (light Brown)
- carriageway block paving – Yellow
- carriageway permeable paving (infiltration) – Pink
- carriageway permeable paving (tanked) – White (hatched lines to differentiate between private areas)
- footway blacktop – Pale Grey
- footway block Paving – Orange
- verge – Green
- drainage (storm) – Blue
- streetlights – Red
- tactile paving – Purple
Information for inclusion on the As-Built plans
- linear meterage of carriageway for each individual section/road.
- linear meterage of remote footway/carriageway for each individual section.
- square meterage of verge
- number & precise location of streetlights
- number & precise location of gullies
- number & precise location of foul and storm water chambers
- number & precise location of trees
- number & precise location of lit and unlit bollards
- number & precise location of crossing controllers
- number & precise location of signal controllers
- number & precise location of CCTV cameras
- number & precise location of soakaways
All transportation fees and commuted sums must be paid prior to adoption.
If not covered by the above, Highways Development Management will give any further advice on the submission of plans and the details required.
6th Floor
Walton Street Offices
Walton Street
HP20 1UA
Email: [email protected]
Legal matters will be dealt with by the Legal Services Manager who will contact the solicitor given as in (2) above.
14. Process flows
To assist with your navigation of the overall process and what you have to do next, the planning to adoption task flows are on the following pages:
Section 184 - TBA