Request for a private road to be adopted by the Council for future maintenance
If you are a resident who lives on a private road, it is usually your responsibility to maintain it. You can ask us to adopt the road and maintain it at public expense.
We will not adopt a road that has not been constructed to our adoptable standards.
Before you submit your request
You would need to:
- check that there is no existing road adoption agreement (if you don't know, you can check this by emailing [email protected])
- ensure all the owners and residents agree to have the road adopted
- ensure that your roads are served off the existing highway network. (if you don't know, you can check this by emailing [email protected])
- accept the total cost of any remedial works required
- ask our Highways Development Management team if the geometry of the road is acceptable
You also need to consider the expense of road construction. We will check that you have enough funding to complete the works before it begins.
View the other tasks you need to complete before we will adopt a road below and contact us if you want to start the process or have any questions.
Setup a Street Management Committee (SMC)
Residents can setup a Street Management Committee (SMC) to ensure a street is upgraded to our adoptable specifications (including the layout and geometry of the road).
All construction for the road would need to be paid for by the SMC, including:
- design
- planning
- legal costs
View our technical approval pages which include our adoptable standards.
Contact us to request a road adoption
After you've reviewed all the requirements on this page, contact our Highways Development Management team to request a road adoption.