In-depth guidance for highways development

Section 1: Creating great developments in Buckinghamshire

Our Local Transport Plan explains how transport can help make Buckinghamshire a great place to live and work.

How developments influence travel

New developments have a big part to play in this by providing new:

  • jobs
  • homes
  • communities

And will have a huge influence on travel.

The objectives in our Local Transport Plan

Our Development Management Guidance is aligned with the four objectives of our Local Transport Plan to create a Buckinghamshire which is:

  • connected
  • growing
  • healthy
  • safe
  • sustainable
  • empowered

How your development can improve Buckinghamshire

Developers are encouraged to use high quality design to make great Buckinghamshire developments which are:

  • well connected
  • meet their own transport needs for all
  • are integrated into the existing network
  • creating a great place

The following guidance sets out a high level vision for new developments in Buckinghamshire.

Guidance in subsequent sections provides more detail on how this can be done.

Connected Buckinghamshire

Guidance 1: Developments must meet their own transport needs. Development should be located to support sustainable transport choices and minimise negative impacts on existing transport networks.

Guidance 2: Developments must ensure their residual cumulative impacts2 are not severe, taking into account current and future network conditions, and any mitigation proposed.

Growing Buckinghamshire

Guidance 3: Developments should minimise their transport impact, which may be achieved by providing new or improved:

  • transport infrastructure
  • services
  • information

Healthy, safe and sustainable Buckinghamshire

Guidance 4: Developments should reduce the need for single occupancy car travel by encouraging walking and cycling and public transport use.

Guidance 5: Developments must provide safe and suitable access for all modes of transport and all members of the community. Developers should protect the safe and convenient use of the highway.

Guidance 6: Developments should prioritise the use of environmentally, economically and socially sustainable design, materials and construction methods.

Empowered Buckinghamshire

Guidance 7: Developments should be accessible to all members of the community.

Guidance 8: Developments should contribute to creating attractive areas, with a sense of place. This is an important part of encouraging walking, cycling and public transport use.

Guidance 9: Buckinghamshire Council will consider all proposals against the relevant policy and guidance.

Green space encourages a sense of place and an active community.

Bends in roads encourage lower speeds.