Report the abuse of a Blue Badge
You can report abuses of the Blue Badge scheme by both badge holders and third parties.
Abuses by the badge holder
Badge holder abuses of the scheme include:
- parking in the wrong place or for too long when there is a time limit
- using a badge that is no longer valid
- using a badge that has been reported as lost or stolen
- letting a friend or relative use the badge
- using a fake or copied badge
- changing the details on a badge (for example, the expiry date)
- making a fraudulent Blue Badge application
Abuses by someone other than the badge holder
Third-party abuses of the scheme include:
- using someone else’s Blue Badge, with or without their knowledge, when the badge holder isn't there
- using a badge belonging to someone who has died
- copying, altering or faking a badge
- using a stolen badge
- using a fake badge