Parking permits and car park season tickets

Season tickets and permits are sent digitally via MiPermit. We do not provide any paper permit or paper ticket to be displayed inside a vehicle.

You can apply for a:

To apply for our parking permits, you will need:

  • a MiPermit account
  • your vehicle registration number (also known as your number plate, licence plate or licence number)

Our on-street parking permits can only be used for parking on the street in specific zones.

To see where you can park using an on-street permit, see the traffic orders section of the TraffWeb site.

Resident parking permits

As a Buckinghamshire resident, you can apply for a:

Business parking permits

Business owners and employees of firms based in Buckinghamshire can apply for a:

Council car park season ticket

Car park season tickets allow you to park:

  • in a council car park
  • for a set price and period of time

To apply you need to upload proof of:

  • your address (this can be a Council Tax or utility bill, or a tenancy agreement)
  • the vehicle you are using (this can be a vehicle registration document, or a hire or lease agreement)

For pricing information, view our car park permits and season ticket fees.

Apply for a council car park season ticket

School parking permit

A school parking permit allows parking in a specified nearby council car park for a set price per week.

To apply you will need a signed letter from the head of sixth form, to prove that you have a child who goes to the school.

Apply for a school parking permit

Care and health workers parking permit

Officially known as an operational health permit, this allows care and health workers to park wherever their services are needed, whilst giving healthcare to someone in the residents own home.

To apply you will need to upload either a:

  • NHS badge
  • letter from your employer

Apply for a care and health worker permit

Country parks parking permit

To apply for a parking permit for country parks in Buckinghamshire, see the country parks website.

Contact the parking team

If you have a question about parking permits and car park season tickets that is not answered on this page, you can contact us for help.