Change a speed limit

A countywide review of speed limits for all public roads in Buckinghamshire was completed in 2012.

As a result, we are not currently funding any further speed limit changes across the county.

Changing a speed limit requires a legal process to be followed.

The current policy on requests for changes to speed limits is set out in Key Decision Report PT01.13.

Request a change to speed limits

Any changes to speed limits will require external funding, such as by:

The only exceptions to this will be speed limits introduced as part of a casualty reduction scheme.

To request a change to a speed limit, contact your parish or town council.

Parish and town councils

If a local council support a request for a change of speed limit, they can ask Buckinghamshire Highways for a speed assessment.

Requests for speed limit changes will need to comply with the national guidance on setting local speed limits.


A request is made to Buckinghamshire Highways for a:

  • Speed Survey(s), costing £589 for each location (including VAT)
  • Speed Limit Assessment, costing from £1,075 (including VAT)

The full cost of changing a speed limit is in excess of £10,000.