VAS policy

Vehicle Activate Signs must comply with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 (TSRGD). This states that only signs and messages can be displayed, other messages are not permitted unless authorised by the Secretary of State.

Our VAS Policy was agreed in March 2006, and reviewed in August 2020. The VAS will be provided in any one of three ways:

  1. Council funded casualty reduction scheme
  2. Scheme where the community fund the VAS. This will be suitable where there is a proven problem with speed and other measures have been ruled out or have not proved successful.
  3. As for 2 above, but where a third party (usually the parish or town council) arrange and fund the supply, install and maintain the sign, subject to council approval.

In case 2 above, Buckinghamshire Highways would be responsible for installing the VAS and would receive a sum for the ongoing maintenance of the sign. Buckinghamshire Highways would be responsible for all future maintenance of the sign.  

In case 3 above, where the third party arrange and fund the VAS, we would act as principal designer and supervise the works. Buckinghamshire Highways' would include ensuring the risk of underground services is managed. The parish/town council would employ both Buckinghamshire Highways and the VAS contractor directly. The cost for Buckinghamshire Highways' involvement would be on a site by site basis.

Prior to any excavation or ground screw work on the public highway, you must get underground services (stats) information. Buckinghamshire Highways will undertake this search in their role prior to approval being given. Once the locations have been agreed, the stats can be requested, which can take between 4 to 6 weeks.