Buckinghamshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Policy
10. Applying for street naming and numbering
10.1 When making an application for a plot or development to be numbered, the following information must be provided by completing our application form:
(i) Contact name and details
(ii) Location and type of development
(iii) Official marketing name of the development
(iv) Planning permission approval number
(v) Suggested new street names when relevant
(vi) Plans clearly showing plot numbers, location in relation to existing land and property, and the placement of front doors or primary access on each plot
(vii) Internal layout plans, if appropriate, for development that is sub- divided at unit or floor level
(viii) Details of postal delivery points for flats or apartments
10.2 Additional information may be asked for when necessary to process a request.
10.3 New properties in an existing unnumbered street will require a property name.