Buckinghamshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Policy
4. Street naming guidelines
4.1 New street names shall not duplicate any name already in use in the same post code sector/locality where delivery problems could occur for Royal Mail and in areas beyond our borders that fall within the same postcode sector.
4.2 Distinctions by suffix within the same or adjoining area must be avoided, for example Aylesbury Drive and Aylesbury Road.
4.3 Street names with phonetically similar names are also to be avoided, for example Beech Avenue and Beach Avenue.
4.4 Street names that may be considered or construed as obscene or racist which would contravene any aspect of the council’s equal opportunities policies will not be acceptable.
4.5 Street names that may be open to re-interpretation by graffiti or shortening of the name shall be avoided.
4.6 New street names shall not be assigned to new developments when such developments can be satisfactorily included in the current numbering scheme of the street providing access.
4.7 New street names shall not end in “s” where it can be construed as either a possessive or plural, neither shall they commence with the word “The”.
4.8 All punctuation, including apostrophes, shall be avoided.
4.9 Street names are unacceptable if they are likely to cause spelling difficulties, as these may lead to confusion in an emergency situation or result in demands for a change of address from occupiers.
4.10 New street names shall not include a number in the name as this may lead to confusion in an emergency situation or result in demands for a change of address from occupiers. For example, 1 Three Bells Close could sound like 13 Bells Close and would therefore not be permitted