Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy

6. Decision making

Each application will be considered and determined on its own merits and on a case by case basis, having taken into consideration this policy and any relevant information. The underlying reason for any decision will be to preserve public safety.

In accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation, decisions relating to taxi and private hire licensing matters are made by authorised officers of the Council with sufficient training to make those decisions.

If we are considering refusing your application or suspending or revoking your licence you will usually be given an opportunity to discuss the Council’s concerns and to give your views. This can either be achieved through a face-to-face meeting or in writing if you prefer.

When all of the relevant information has been collected, the application or licence history will be considered by the authorised officer who will then make a decision, where appropriate, in consultation with a lawyer from the Council’s Legal Services Department.

The decision will be issued in writing to you. All taxi and private hire decisions generally have a right of appeal which will be explained in the decision letter and which must be made within 21 days of the date on which the letter confirming the Council’s decision is served.

In making any decisions about licences the Council aims to be fair and consistent. In certain circumstances, the Council is required to act with immediacy, for example where there is a perceived imminent risk to public safety. In such circumstances, the Council must balance the right of an individual to be heard against the paramount need to protect the public. Where the Council is of the view that a driver poses an imminent or serious risk to public safety, then immediate action may be taken in respect of a licence, without following the usual decision making process.