Highway safety inspection policy

Last updated: 7 June 2024

Inspection regime

In line with national codes of good practice, and examples of best practice from other highway authorities, the characteristics of the inspection regime, including frequency of inspection, items to be recorded and nature of response, are defined following an assessment of the relative risks associated with the potential formation of defects within the highway boundary.

The inspection regime must be applied and recorded systematically and consistently. As well as information relating to defects, all inspections must also therefore record:

  • time of inspection and defect identification
  • weather conditions
  • any unusual circumstances of the inspection
  • person(s) conducting and involved with the inspection.

From time to time, BC is made aware of defects through customer contact. If a customer considers the defect to be dangerous or an emergency, they are prompted to phone in the defect directly to BC so that it can be assessed, and an appropriate response initiated. Otherwise, by submitting the report online or in writing, BC will deal with it in line with our policy timescales. BC endeavours to physically investigate all customer contacts, whether online or otherwise, within 10 working days (for non‐emergency defects) as reasonably practicable given other pressures, except where the defect is already known about or has been investigated.

An annual review will be carried out of the inspection, assessment, frequency and recording regime, to consider:

  • completeness and effectiveness of data collected
  • trends within defect formation
  • success of repair programmes
  • accident and claims data

As a result of such reviews, proposals may be submitted, considered and implemented as appropriate to amend the inspection frequency or methodology should such alterations be deemed to be beneficial.

In extreme circumstances (such as extreme weather or circumstances outside the control of the Council) response times and inspection frequencies may be varied at short notice. Any variations will be approved by the Cabinet Member for Transport.