Major maintenance works: Marlow Bridge

About the works

We'll start an extensive programme of restoration and improvements to Marlow Bridge (which is a Grade I listed structure) in spring 2025.

These are routine works, with the last major works completed between 1965 and 1966.

Location of works

Marlow Bridge is in Bisham, Marlow. The works will cover the full length.

View the location of Marlow Bridge on Google Maps.

Aims and benefits

The bridge is an iconic part of the town, but over time it has suffered from wear and tear. These works are important to preserve the bridge for the future.

Our key priorities during these works are to:

  • ensure it continues to be safe for road users and pedestrians
  • preserve the features of the bridge, considering the Grade 1 Listing
  • ensure it continues to have structural integrity

Working with heritage teams and local clubs

We've consulted Heritage England and local heritage teams about the plans.

We've also been working with local clubs (including the Marlow Canoe Club and Marlow Rowing Club) to provide temporary relocation of storage and clubhouse facilities while the works are ongoing.

Dates and timescales

We'll continue to update this section when further dates are confirmed. This will include details of road closures.

Tell us about upcoming events in Marlow

We'll minimise the impact of works where possible.

If you're aware of any key dates or events happening (local to Marlow), email us the details on [email protected]. This will help us to plan for them.

January 2025

In advance of the main works starting, we've placed a large concrete weight (called a Kentledge) on the bridge.

This is to reduce movement of the existing bearings during the works. This should not affect traffic or pedestrians.

Late spring 2025 to December 2025

The works will happen in phases.

Phase 1

This will focus on structural repairs, with replacement of the 12 bearings that support the bridge deck. The new bearings are designed to last for 50 years and are critical to the continued safe operation of the bridge.

Phase 2

Alongside the replacement of the bearings, we'll complete the final stage of restoration of the steelwork on the underside of the bridge. This includes the cleaning and reinstatement of protective coatings.

Using the bridge during the works

You'll be able to use the bridge during most of the works.

Traffic management will be in place as needed to protect pedestrians, road users and works teams.

We'll contact local communities about further closures when they're scheduled.

2026 to 2027

We're finalising designs for the topside of the bridge.

This will include:

  • renewed walkways
  • renewed lighting
  • restoration of the masonry tower
  • painting
  • other safety and visual improvements

We'll provide more information about these works in future.

Throughout the works, maintenance teams are regularly visiting the bridge to ensure any immediate concerns are addressed.

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