Travel planning for schools, businesses and communities
A travel plans are designed to encourage and enable travel choices that are safe, healthy and sustainable, including:
- cycling
- wheeling
- public transport
- car sharing
- electric vehicles
Your travel plan should be a long-term strategy that encourages people to use alternative modes of transport to cars by:
- identifying any travel issues that need to be addressed
- providing details about how people travel to the site
- setting targets to reduce single car occupancy journeys
- explaining how targets will be monitored
How travel plans are beneficial
Travel plans can:
- encourage active and sustainable travel
- lessen traffic generation and its detrimental impacts
- reduce carbon emissions and climate impacts
- improve health outcomes and quality of life
- improve road safety
Creating a travel plan
To help schools, business and communities create free travel plans, we use an online platform called ModeshiftSTARS.
For more information see:
- travel planning for businesses
- travel planning for schools
- travel planning for developers (including guidance)
If you're interested in developing a travel plan for your organisation, contact [email protected]
Promote cycling, walking and wheeling (active travel) in your community
View the tools, campaigns and mobile apps you can use to promote active travel in your community.