Keep Hill Woods pathway improvements
We've improved the paths in Keep Hill Woods, High Wycombe. This supports walking, cycling, wheeling and horse riding.
These new routes connect development areas (including Pine Trees and Abbey Barn Park) to the Rye.
We completed the project in December 2024.
This project is identified in the our adopted High Wycombe Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
Location of the improvements

A map of the area around Keep Hill Woods
About the improvements we've made
We were sensitive to the woodland, avoiding removing trees where possible and we protected tree roots.
The improvements include:
- smooth and durable pathways using recycled tyres, resin and stone
- a light golden colour (to soften the look in the area)
- a rubber crumb texture on top so that it's:
- soft for horses' hooves
- firm enough for all other users
The improvements have not changed the gradient of the pathways or affected other pathways in the woodland.
Improvements planned for early 2025
We're planning minor changes to the road crossing at Warren Wood Drive to support users moving between the woodland and The Rye.
Responding to your feedback
During August and September, we held public events where we listened to your feedback. View the feedback and our responses below:
You told us you're concerned about sewage leaking from manholes through the woods.
How we're addressing your concerns
We've replaced some of the manhole covers with covers that include a lock. This will ensure any waste remains in the existing pipe network.
The pipe network and infrastructure is maintained by Thames Water. If you have any specific concerns about leaks, contact Thames Water directly.
You told us you were concerned about motorcycles and quad bikes using the woodland.
How we're addressing your concerns
It's a challenge to make the routes accessible for certain users, but to prevent access to motorcycle and quad bike users.
We've needed to make the route accessible for residents:
- walking
- on mobility devices
- scooting (non-electric)
- cycling
- horse riding
You should report incidents to the Police directly by calling 111 or via the Thames Valley Police website.
We're continuing to work with our Community Safety Team on a solution.
You told us you were concerned about the drainage of the path and the subsequent runoff of water.
How we're addressing your concerns
The material we're using for the path is:
- designed to let water quickly drain and run through it
- hard-wearing to resist the formation of channels of water
- planned to be laid in a way which encourages water to flow to the sides
You told us you were unsure of the extent of lighting through the woodland.
About the lighting
We'll lay lighting studs into the surface of the path. These are solar powered and illuminate at night.
They will be positioned at the northern and southern points, where there is a connection with the road.
This will provide an awareness that you are approaching the road.
How the project has been funded
We used contributions from local development sites, and a grant secured from Active Travel England.
Contact us
If you have any questions, email [email protected]
To find out more about the improvements, visit the Highways Highlight.