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Find out about neighbourhood planning, planning reporting and local development plans
Get involved before, during or after the planning application process.
Report a potential breach of planning regulations and view the enforcement register.
Find out about tree protection orders, complain about a high hedge and apply to work on a tree.
Which searches do you need to do and how to apply for them (Land Charges)
Use GOV.UK to find information about land and property, such as boundaries or ownership disputes, even if you don't own it
Check for sections of land designated for future transport improvement purposes, known as improvement lines.
Request advice from specialists in Archaeology, conservation and listed buildings.
Learn more about our strategic planning role at national and local level. View infrastructure projects and our Green Belt assessment.
The Buckinghamshire Design Awards celebrates some of the best examples of good design in Buckinghamshire
Highways pre-application advice, consultation responses and the supervision of developer-funded schemes via Section 278, 38 and 184 Highways Act Agreements.
If you can't find what your looking for, contact planning.