Buckinghamshire's historic towns
The towns in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes are a defining part of our landscape.
They represent our community and embody our county's history.
We have completed a project surveying 30 settlements in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.
This project has helped us to better understand the evolution of our towns.
The project, funded by Historic England, has produced illustrated reports for each town.
It also includes a popular publication summarising the key findings.
Historic towns report
This summary report is the culmination of five years' work, investigating the archaeology and history of 30 towns and villages in Buckinghamshire and the unitary authority of Milton Keynes.
A printed copy priced £10 is available from the HER at: [email protected].
Historic towns selected for study
These pages include third-party documents and documents published before 23 September 2018. Some of these documents may not be accessible. For more information, or to request an accessible version of any document, contact [email protected]

Map showing the location of historic towns